Christian Links
Interlink Fellowship, Richmond, VA
Formerly Faith Baptist Church, this group is actively seeking God’s direction locally, nationally, and globally. I have been involved with them very closely since the pandemic in a number of areas, including the development of their website. The Interlink Fellowship mission statement is “Praying people equipped by Jesus to impact this world for the next.”
PLACE Ministries
Founder Jay McSwain has worked with hundreds of churches, helping their members to more fully understand how God has made them to serve together for His glory. The PLACE assessment guides Christians to discern their personality type, spiritual gifts, abilities, passions, and experiences. These don’t each live in a vacuum, however. Instead, they work together in each of us to make us uniquely equipped for Kingdom purposes. The assessment is only the beginning. Building on this information, church members are then coached on how to maximize what they’ve been given by God.